The story of king Pyrrhus (part 2). And the war against Rome.



 Not longer after his begining to improve his kingdom, king Pyrrhus recieved an invitation from the Southern Italy, the city of Tarentum to come against the growing  power of Rome.

 Pyrrhus confidently accept the offer and began to boldly draw his map of the conquest to the west, which included not only the Italian lands but also the rich island of Sicily, even territory parts of the famous Carthage.

 In 280 BC Pyrrhus fleet sailed for Tarentum leading 20 000 infantry, 3 000 Thessalian cavalry, 2 500 archers and 20 war elephants, in his plans Pyrrhus included the numerous  population of Southern Italy, who were fiercely fighting against Rome. Then, during one night, a terrible sea storm damaged, a large part of the epirusian fleet, which prevented Pyrrhus from arriving in all of his glory.

After the storm it took time for the army to gather on shore, only a cheerfulness spirit and the readines to over come all obstacles helped to the army to look again at their goals. When they arrive in Tarentum, Pyrrhus and his army were greeded as benefactors and defenders. Pyrrhus himself received the title of "strategist of Tarentum"

/ Battle of Heraclea 280 BC /
/ Battle of Heraclea 280 BC /

  Without delay king Pyrrhus gave the romans the first great battle of Heraclea. Against him stood the legions leading by the roman consul - Levin. Pyrrhus knew how not to underrate his enemies and prepare his troops for a prolonged battle. He managed to take the iron victory, but seeing the huge losses, the king said : "Another such victory and we have lost", from there remains to these days the expression "Pyrrhic victory".  

 In 279 BC has come a second victory for the epirusian ruler - the battle of Ausculum and in his triumphant march he even reached 60 km from the gates of Rome. The events of Southern Italy even prompted the Romans to form an alliance with Carthage. At the same time greek messangers arrives from Sicily, asking king Pyrrhus for help against the offensive carthaginians

 Now, king Pyrrhus had to choose between his affairs in Italy, to return back to Epirus from where also comes news about the invasion from Northern tribes or to prefer a campaign to Sicily. The king desire another adventure, so he prepare his men for  the new campaign against carthagenians in Sicily

 For a short time he conquered almost the whole island, only the city of Lilibey remained a possession of Carthage. After the successful campaign, Pyrrhus proclaimed himself as "king of Sicily".  


 During this time roman troops returned to Southern Italy and recaptured the territories already conquered by Pyrrhus. At the end of the summer 276 BC he had leave the island. Moving to Italy, the cathaginians managed  to attack Pyrrhus fleet and almost destroy it. Year later in 275 BC he has met the Roman legions at the battle of Benevento, where he was defeated by two consular armies. 

 The same year of defead, Pyrrhus returned to his kingdom and took up the old quarrel with Macedonia. He successfully fought against the Macedonian king and even plundered the ancient capital of Edge. Then he headed for the Peloponnese and attacked Sparta, after failing to capture the city he moved to Argos where he found his death in the battle of Argos

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