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The Roman Fortress

The Roman fortress looks like a small town, where are located all kind of needs of the roman soldiers and troops. Some of the fortresses are focused in important areas of the empire which have to be protected and controlled.

The main streets crossed in the centre of the fortress allowed the supply and rapid movement of troops. There are guarded gates on the four sides of the fort and every day the legionnaires received a new password to prevent the intrusion of enemy spies into the fort.

It was also vital for the growing empire that Roman roads ensure the rapid movement of troops and mails across the territory to protect trade links and supply storages. The Roman roads were as straight as possible so that the legion could take the shortest route to a troubled area.



( 27 BC - 14 AD )

Octavian Augustus became the sole ruler of all Roman territories in 27 BC. He proposed the senate to take the power but the army followed Octavian and everyone knew that only he could unite the Romans. The senate awarded Octavian the honorary title of Augustus which means "deeply respected" or "sacred person"

The Romans called Augustus with his military title imperator - supreme military leader from which the word emperor originates .His rule put an end to the republican system and Rome became an empire. Thus began the period known in history as the period of the Roman Empire.

Augustus ruled wisely and skillfully he expanded Roman territories and introduced strict order after decades of war. He created a form of monarchy called the principality, on his orders were built new cities, roads, bridges, aqueduct and public buildings.

He also introduced a law on silver and gold coins - that they could be minted only in Rome, and some of the less valuable bronze and copper coins could be minted in the provinces. In this period in the whole empire, the same money has begun to be used.

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